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Prêmio: 31.120 / rodada Grande Prêmio: conta PAMM com 50.000 restrições : Nenhum. Os prêmios são retiráveis Fórmula FX Concurso Datas do concurso: Concurso semanal Prêmio: 1.600 Restrições de prêmios: Os prêmios são depositados nas contas ao vivo dos vencedores, sem restrições aplicáveis. Full Throttle Contest Datas: Correr em rodadas de 2 semanas Prêmio: 4,650 / round Restrições ao prêmio: Nenhum prêmio ndash pode ser retirado a qualquer momento. Concurso de Realidade Virtual Datas de competição: Corridas em rodadas de 11 semanas Prêmio: 5.940 / rodada Grande Prêmio: Conta PAMM pré-carregada com 10.000 restrições de prêmios: Os prêmios são creditados a uma conta de clientes reais de acordo com a taxa interna da Alparis, Na seção Taxas e Taxas de Conversão. Não há restrições à retirada do prêmio. Concurso de Investidores bem sucedido Datas do Concurso: Prêmio Mensal: 500 ou iPad 4 a cada mês Restrições de prêmios: nenhum Concurso de Demonstração Forex Datas do Concurso: Prêmio Mensal: 850 / mês Restrições de prêmios: Os prêmios são depositados em contas concorrentes de FxCompany. O dinheiro do prêmio não é retirável. A retirada é possível somente quando o lucro é igual ou maior do que o valor do prêmio. Retirada só está disponível depois de fazer 10 volumes de negócios que não é inferior a 15 pontos. O lucro extraível da conta do prêmio pode exceder 300 do valor do prêmio. Heavy Metal Contest Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 850/month Prize restrictions: Prizes are deposited into contestantsrsquo live FxCompany accounts. Prize money is not withdrawable ndash e. g. withdrawal is possible only when the profit is equal or higher than the prize amount. Withdrawal is avaliable only after making 10 trades volume of which is not less than 15 points. Withdrawable profit from prize account canrsquot exceed 300 of the prize sum. Heavy Metal Contest Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 850/month Prize restrictions: Prizes are deposited into contestantsrsquo live FxCompany accounts. Prize money is not withdrawable ndash e. g. withdrawal is possible only when the profit is equal or higher than the prize amount. Withdrawal is avaliable only after making 10 trades volume of which is not less than 15 points. Withdrawable profit from prize account canrsquot exceed 300 of the prize sum. Agea Agea Masters Monthly Tournament Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 100/month Prize restrictions: None Forex Masters Contest Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 1,700 EUR/month Prize restrictions: The prizes will be given as bonuses in live trading accounts and can be used for margin trading for a period of 3 months after which they will be withheld from the clientsrsquo accounts. The participants may withdraw the positive difference between the current account balance and the trading credits of the award at any time. JForex Strategy Contest Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 15,000/month Prize restrictions: None Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 15,000/month Prize restrictions: None Forex-AZ Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 500/month Prize restrictions: The winner will be awarded with a 500 Real Trade Account. Withdrawal of the total amounts is permitted only when such amounts are the profits on the Real Trade Account and the client owns only 50 of such profit. Forex Tribe Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 1,000 EUR/month Prize restrictions: None Sports Lotus is Your Trade Bonus Contest dates: June 18, 2012 ndash June 18, 2014 Prize pool: Lotus Evora car OR trading account with 100,000 Prize restrictions: If the winner opts for the car prize, they would need to pay all customs fees and taxes. The money from the 100,000 trading account prize canrsquot be withdrawn but 50 of the profit generated can be cashed out without restrictions. Trade Wise, Win Device Contest dates: Bi-weekly Prize pool: iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung Galaxy Tab OR 1,250 managed account Prize restrictions: For the 1,250 managed account prize: the initial deposit in amount of 1,250 is not available for withdrawal, but any profit made over the bonus funds can be withdrawn without any restrictions Best Trading, Luxury Driving Contest dates: September 8, 2011 ndash September 27, 2013 Prize pool: Porsche Cayenne car a 200,000 trading account Prize restrictions: If the winner opts for the Porsche Cayenne prize, they would need to pay all customs fees and taxes. The money from the 200,000 trading account prize canrsquot be withdrawn but 50 of the profit generated can be cashed out without restrictions. InstaForex Sniper 2013 Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 1,500/ week Prize restrictions: Prize money cannot be withdrawn, however, any profit made over the prize amount can be withdrawn without any limits Contest dates: Bi-weekly Prize pool: 75,000/ year Prize restrictions: Prize money cannot be withdrawn, however, any profit made over the prize amount can be withdrawn without any limits. Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 6,000/month Prize restrictions: Prize money cannot be withdrawn, however, any profit made over the prize amount can be withdrawn without any restrictions. Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 1,000/week Prize restrictions: Prize money credited to the live trading account registered for the contest. Prize money cannot be withdrawn however any profit made with the prize funds can be withdrawn without any restrictions. One Million Option Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 1,500/ week Prize restrictions: The prize money will be credited to the trading account opened by the Contest Administration. The prize cannot be withdrawn however, any profit made over the prize amount can be withdrawn without any restrictions. Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 1,500/week Prize restrictions: Prize money cannot be withdrawn but profit made over the prize amount can be cashed out without any restrictions. LF IndexMaster Demo Contest Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 350/week Prize restrictions: Prize money canrsquot be cashed out no restrictions on withdrawing profit. Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 525/week Prize restrictions: Prize money canrsquot be cashed out no restrictions on withdrawing profit. MFN Forex and CFD Demo Contest Contest dates: n/a Prize pool: 1,750 Prize restrictions: Prize money paid into trading accounts in margin: winning, and Bonus Trading Margin(s) cannot be withdrawn, but the profits can be cashed out without restrictions. MyFXbook FIBO Demo Account Contest Prize pool: 5,000 Prize restrictions: Prize money will be credited to a live FIBO account and can be withdrawn 15 days after being credited to the account. Demo Cup Contest Contest dates: Monthly contest runs for two weeks every month Prize pool: 3,500/month Prize restrictions: None OctaFX Champion Demo Contest Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 1,000/month Prize restrictions: Prize money is intended for trading only. No caso de os fundos do prêmio serem usados para negociação real, o limite de retirada é de 300 dos fundos do prêmio (incluindo os fundos do prêmio eo lucro). RTFX Contest dates: September 1, 2012 ndash August 30, 2013 Prize pool: 72,000 EUR Prize restrictions: The prizes will only be credited to a dedicated account opened in the name of the winner. They are valid for a twelve month period starting from their attribution. They may not be replaced, or withdrawn in cash. Only any subsequent capital gains in excess of the prize amount credited to the account of the prize winner may be withdrawn, up to a maximum of 200 of the value of the prize(s). LongTrade Contest dates: Monthly Prize pool: 1,000 Prize restrictions: Nine prize money paid out into the winnerrsquos WebMoney purse Contest page (information available in Russian only) Forex Demo Championship Contest dates: Weekly Prize pool: 2,300/week Prize restrictions: Prizes are paid out in the form of bonuses with withdrawal restrictions. Bonuses are valid 180 days from the date of the issue World Forex Tour Demo Contests Contest dates: ongoing contests Prize pool: varies Prize restrictions: n/a World Forex Cup Forex Contests 2015 Latest forex brokers Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Antes de se engajar na negociação de câmbio, por favor, fazer-se familiarizado com as suas especificidades e todos os riscos associados a ele. Todas as informações sobre ForexBrokerz são publicadas apenas para fins de informação geral. Não apresentamos quaisquer garantias quanto à exactidão e fiabilidade destas informações. Qualquer ação que você tomar sobre as informações que você encontrar neste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco e não seremos responsáveis por quaisquer perdas e / ou danos em conexão com o uso do nosso site. Todo o conteúdo textual no ForexBrokerz é protegido por direitos autorais e protegidos pela lei de propriedade intelectual. Você não pode reproduzir, distribuir, publicar ou transmitir qualquer parte do site sem nos indicar como fonte. A ForexBrokerz não reivindica direitos de autor sobre as imagens utilizadas no site, incluindo logótipos de corretores, imagens de stock e ilustrações. Forexbrokerz site usa cookies. Ao continuar a navegar no site, você está concordando com nosso uso de cookies. Read our Privacy Policy. About Binary Options Demo Binaryoptionsdemo started in 2012 and has been allowing people to trade with a free binary options demo account since that time. Nosso objetivo é ajudá-lo a aprender e ganhar, fornecendo uma plataforma de negociação realista com um extenso guia de opções binárias, competições de negociação e características de negociação social. 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